Hbase archive cleaner
Hbase archive cleaner

hbase archive cleaner

hdfs.Distribute dFileSystem$ 11.doCall( DistributedFile System. ipc.RemoteExcep tion.unwrapRemo teException( RemoteException. ipc.RemoteExcep tion.instantiat eException( RemoteException. DelegatingConst ructorAccessorI mpl.newInstance (DelegatingCons tructorAccessor 45)Īt java.lang. newInstance( NativeConstruct orAccessorImpl. newInstance0( Native Method)Īt sun.reflect. UserGroupInform ation.doAs( UserGroupInform 1594)Īt org.apache. AccessControlle r.doPrivileged( Native Method)Īt curity. ipc.ProtobufRpc Engine$ Server$ ProtoBufRpcInvo ProtobufRpcEngi 585)Īt org.apache. proto.ClientNam enodeProtocolPr otos$ClientName nodeProtocol$ 2.callBlockingM ethod(ClientNam enodeProtocolPrĪt org.apache. delete( ClientNamenodeP rotocolServerSi deTranslatorPB. ClientNamenode ProtocolServerS ideTranslatorPB. NameNodeRpcServ er.delete( NameNodeRpcServ 733)Īt org.apache.

hbase archive cleaner

FSPermissionChe cker.checkPermi ssion(FSPermiss ionChecker. FSPermissionChe cker.check( FSPermissionChe 232)Īt org.apache. FSPermissionChe cker.check( FSPermissionChe 247)Īt org.apache. FSPermissionChe cker.checkAcces sAcl(FSPermissi onChecker. AccessControlEx ception: Permission denied: user=hbase, access=WRITE, inode=" /apps/hbase/ data/archive/ data/default/ TRAFODION. CleanerChore: Error while deleting: hdfs:// panoramix- 1.openstackloca l:8020/ apps/hbase/ data/archive/ data/default/ TRAFODION. the links are created with trafion permissions and the cleanerChore runniong with hbase prioveileges is not able to remove them.Īs a workaround the bulkunlaod changes the pemsiins on these links so that they can be deleted by the cleanerChore. Currently after a snapshotscan is closed the clearchore in hbase gives wranings like the ones below indicating t hat is cannot remove unused links because of permission issues.

Hbase archive cleaner